It's the democracy, stupid
The Big Picture
LISTEN: The new leader of the North Carolina Democrats talks about her winning strategy

LISTEN: The new leader of the North Carolina Democrats talks about her winning strategy

Anderson Clayton is Chair of the NC Dems. At 25 she is the youngest state party leader in the country, and someone who has the sense and the energy to fight for rural as well as urban votes.  Recently on WCPT 820AM, I had a chance to talk to Anderson about:

  • Her journey into political organizing

  • The latest political issues in North Carolina including the party switch by State Senator Trisha Cotham from Democrat to Republican; the recent anti-abortion legislation/ veto/ veto override; the flip flop by the North Carolina State Surpeme Court on redistricting and more.

  • How two other State party chairs who are frequent guests on my show- Ben Wikler of Wisconsin Dems and Lavora Barnes of Michigan Dems- are mentoring Anderson in her new role.

You can learn more about NC Democrats here:

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